Friday, April 17, 2009

How to Draw a Monkey

1. Draw Body and Head

draw a monkey

Draw a kidney-bean shape for the body. Add an overlapping oval and circle for the face and the head. Draw two more ovals, one on either side of the head, for ears.

Next we'll add legs and a tail so your monkey can swing in the trees.

2. Add a Tail and Legs

draw a monkey
Draw a curving, snakelike shape for the tail. Add two long shapes from the bottom of the body for legs. Sketch the feet, and don't forget that monkeys' feet look like hands.

3. Draw the Arms

draw a monkey

­Add two more curved shapes for the arms. At the end of the arms, draw the shapes for the hands.

On the next page, you'll learn how to give your monkey some personality.

4. Draw the Face

draw a monkey

­Draw ovals for the eyes, pupils, and nostrils. Add a crescent shape for the mouth. Sketch curved lines for eyebrow, nose, and hair details. Put details in the ears, mouth, fingers, and toes.

Just one last step, and you'll have completed your masterpiece.

5. The Finishing Touch

draw a monkey

Trace the pencil lines you want to keep with a felt-tip pen, and erase any extra lines.

Congratulations! You've learned how to draw a monkey in just a few steps. You can make your drawing even better with practice.

How to Draw an Elephant

1. Draw Two Circles

draw an elephant

Draw an oval for the body and an overlapping circle for the head.

Legs are next -- and don't forget those floppy ears...

2. Add Ears and Legs

draw an elephant

Draw four slightly curved rectangula­r shapes for the legs. Then add two triangles with rounded corners for the ears.

A tail and a trunk will make your elephant come to life. Find out how to add them on the next page.


3. Draw a Trunk and a Tail

draw an elephant

Sketch some curved lines for the tail and trunk. Put an oval shape at the end of the tail, and add two boomerang shapes next to the trunk for the tusks, one on each side.

A few final details will perfect your elephant.

4. Add the Details

draw an elephant

Draw ovals for the eyes and the pupils. Add some curved lines below the trunk and tusks to show the mouth. Put in some details on the ears and toes. Draw eyelashes and some hair on the head.

On the last step, you'll clean up and perfect your elephant.

5. Trace the Lines

draw an elephant

Use a felt-tip pen to trace over the lines you want to keep in the drawing, and erase the extra pencil lines.

You did it! Step back and look at your finished drawing. Then color it with crayons, colored pencils, markers, or even paint.

Next, we'll show you how to sketch a real swinger. Step-by-step instructions for drawing a monkey start on the next page.